

Covid Covid Covid

Hver er ekki komin með nóg af Covid! Þetta er nú samt ekkert nýtt fyrir okkur. Skráningarblaðið á hurðinni verður tekið upp aftur svo við pössum upp á að fara ekki yfir leyfilegan fjölda sem nú er 20 einstaklingar, þar skrá sig ALLIR þegar þeir koma inn og stroka sig út þegar þeir fara.

Skráning í gestabókina er óbreytt, ALLIR skrá sig þar. Við biðjum fólk um að takmarka tíma sinn í Hlutverkasetri þegar þörf er á. Það þýðir að ef þú ert búin að vera lengi og það er orðið fullt þá gefum við fleirum séns á að koma.

Pössum upp á fjarlægðina sem nú eru 2 metrar. Við hvetjum fólk til að nota grímur. Getum þetta saman.


Covid Covid Covid

Who hasn´t gotten enaugh of Covid! But this is not new to us. We will start with the double sign in again. The one on the door where EVERYONE sign their name and then when leaving whipe their name out. The sign in with the guestbook is the same, EVERYONE sign in there. We are allowed to have 20 people at each time so we ask people to try to limit their time when needed. That means if you have been here for a long time and we are at capacity you give other people change to come.

We have to be carefull with distances and keep the space between us, now the 2 meter rule is back. We encourage people to use masks. Let´s do this together.



COVID 2021

Corona virus 19

Due to different circumstances in the community and stricter conditions, Hlutverkasetur can not be open as normal. Time slot have been assigned, there is a limit to how many peoble can attend at each time. The kitchen will be closed, so there will be no food or coffee available. We ask each and every participant to help us with sanitizing the area that they have used. For time beeing we will not welcome any new members.

For more information:

Hlutverkasetur at Facebook and Instagram @hlutverkasetur

pleace call us at 695 9285


Ath. due to the number limit down to 10, Hlutverkasetur will be closed between 8.30- 13.00. We keep you posted.